Business Development Services

Business Planning

Our business planning process is a comprehensive exercise to prepare business owners for their journey to success. This process is like a virtual implementation (Dress Rehearsal) to prove feasibility and prepare for implementation while minimizing risk.

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Our business plans usually contain but are not limited to the following sections:

Executive Summary:

Marketing Strategy

Operational Strategy

Technology Strategy

Financial Strategy

Marketing Planning

We can develop an extensive or simple marketing plan for you and additionally provide implementation as project managers. Our marketing services include both traditional marketing and social media marketing.

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Marketing Plan content may contain but is not limited to the following:

Positioning Strategy

Pricing Strategy

Place/Placement Distribution Strategy



Financial Planning

Our financial planning service consist of using forecasting models to predict revenues, costs and financial results, risks for business or specific products/services. We make use of Microsoft Excel and or Google Sheets.

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Financial Business Modeling

A complete financial business model usually contains the following:


Project Management

We can manage projects using recognized standards and or adapt to our clients specific needs, as project advisers, coordinators, managers and or execution team members.

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We usually make use of the following standard project management processes that may contain but are not limited to:




Monitoring & Controlling


Note: We have more than xxx years of experience, including making use of several project mangament software such as; Trello, MS Project, MindManager.

International Trade Advisory

International Trade is one of the key elements for business development and growth. With at least 10 years of experience in the international trade arena we can assist you in finding your way in the myriad of government and WTO rules and regulations and the use of government sponsored tools from among others the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst Voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)).

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We make use of the following tools and concepts to help you develop your international trade:

The 7 W’s Of Wisdom - Business Development Canvas 

Export development canvas 

Innovation Strategy & Planning

This is one of the toughest business management tasks, to create a company that continuously improves and innovates to remain relevant and growing for many years. This is one of our strong assets as business consultants with a proven track record of experience in this area.

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The process we implement may or may not consist of the following:

Stimulate Inspiration

This may be achieved by:

Cultivate Dreamers (thinkers)

Develop Ideas

Product / Service Development (R&D)

We guide and support our customers in the development process or take their idea all the way to the finish line for them.

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In general we make use of the following process:

Idea Generation







Market and or Subject Matter Research

To research or not to research is never the question. Even simple start-ups require some basic research to increase their chances of success. Information is valuable and necessary to make informed decisions.

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This is one of the most overlooked but also most expensive steps in business development, even when conducted by the entrepreneur themselves to limit cash outflow. It requires time, accuracy and has to provide a complete as possible picture.

The process of conducting research and producing useful information may consist of but is not limited to the following process steps:

Define Problem / Need

Chose methodology to accomplish set goal

Conduct Research (Information Gathering)

Result Analysis



Note: Due to the costly nature of research we take time to discuss details with the customer and the customer has to sign off on a contract which will include partial payment in advance with periodic installments till the research is completed.

Interim Management

This is a very limited service we provide and can only be provided after stringent evaluation of availability of resources and conditions/requirements.